Hello all! I hope everyone is enjoying some much needed time off during this busy time of year! And most of all I hope you find time to read! I found an awesome article the other day that was discussing facts about reading and found something very uplifting about being such a book nerd! Apparently reading can therapeutic; according to Cristel Russell, a behavioral researcher,
reading can help with any stress or turmoil occurring in your life. If you’re
going through a break-up, or simply just need to relax, try a new book! So while everyone is running around either because of school, work, traveling, getting ready for Thanksgiving or Christmas, or studying...make time to find something new to read!
Which is actually the whole point of this blog post! From now on I am going to share a monthly post about a certain book series! I don't know about how you, but waiting for books to come out is heart wrenching! Especially if a book ends on a cliffhanger AND takes another year to be released...like come on authors, are you really trying to kill us? So! For those who are like me and hate to wait...I figure I would find a series that is already published and share it with you guys!
So without further ado, let me introduce you to November's featured series:
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon. I am kindle user and this series was suggested to me when I signed up Kindle Unlimited (a great system where you pay $10 a month where you can rent out ten books at a time for as long as you want, as long as you return one of the ten books you borrow!) I didn't know what to think but I thought I wanted to give it a try. And I was happily surprised! Ruby Dixon painted such a creative world with twists and turns that I found myself wanting more! It's been a year since I first stumbled upon the
Ice Planet Barbarians series and it's a series that I still read a lot and continue to read when Dixon releases more books in the series.
The Cover: There is a total of NINE books in the Ice Planet Barbarians series and Ruby Dixon has some of the best covers I have ever seen. I love them them so much and I think they are so creative. I gave you a sample of my favorite covers here. Barbarian's Taming is my favorite out of the entire series, it has such an old romance cover vibe which I think is lovely. A+ for covers!
Basics: The Ice Planet Barbarian's series has a total of 10 books as a series, with more on the way! And it also has 6 smaller slice of life stories that add to the entire plot of the Ice Planet Barbarian series. The series book usually are easier reads with 100+ pages and can be finished within a day or so. The slice of life books are a lot smaller (but just as fun!) and can be read also within a day or a few hours if you are a faster reader. Ruby Dixon also publishes this series herself (another reason I support her honestly, any author that does everything themselves is just amazing.) If you have kindle unlimited, you can read this series for FREE. That's over all 10+ books for F R E E. But if you want to own the actual books, they range from $12.99 paperback or if you don't have kindle unlimited, the regular price on kindle is $3.99!

Description: Imagine waking up on a spaceship locked up in some sort of shipping container with a group of girls. This is the situation for Georgie. Trying to escape their alien captors, Georgie and the rest of girls that were stolen from their homes on Earth try to keep themselves alive while both facing their cruel Alien captors and crashing on an unknown planet. A planet that has unending snow and dangerous looking creatures. Without supplies and without trustworthy to help anyone to help them, the whole situation seems pretty bleak, until a strange blue handsome looking alien comes out of nowhere.
From Amazon:
**You'd think being abducted by aliens would be the worst
thing that could happen to me. And you'd be wrong. Because now, the aliens are
having ship trouble, and they've left their cargo of human women - including me
- on an ice planet.
And the only native inhabitant I've met? He's big, horned,
blue, and really, really has a thing for me...**
Overall thoughts: I really love these books. They take me somewhere new and interesting and who doesn't love a good fantasy, sci fiction kind of romance? The first few books describes how all the girls start their new lives on the new planet and surviving with the people that decided to take them in. I love reading all the different relationships and the dynamics between the two different species, which can be very funny at times because the English doesn't translate well into the sa-khui language. I love, love, love learning about each of the couples and how they learn to get to know one another, their differences and how each and every couple fall in love and find a way to work with one another.
Each book focuses on a certain couple and what I love about Ruby Dixon, each girl is different. They have different looks, features, personalities, weaknesses, strengths, sizes, health issues. Unfortunately there is a lack of diversity in books nowadays and I can promise you that Ruby Dixon does a fabulous job of show casing different characters, couples and situations. And I greatly adore and appreciate her for doing that.
Favorite characters: There are so many fabulous characters to chose from that it's hard for me to narrow it down to a few, but I will try! My favorite couples have to been Vektal and Georgie, (the first couple to be featured, Ice Planet Barbarians.) Liz and Raahosh (Barbarian Alien) and Harlow and Rukh (Barbarian Mine.) All couples have a very different relationships and I enjoyed watching them fall for one another despite their differences. Again each book focuses on a different couple, both an Alien and a human. Two other characters that also stood out to me who appeared later in the series were Lila and Maddie. Lila is deaf and can't hear and Maddie is a bigger girl with a fierce attitude to match. I also enjoyed their stories and although they came later, their appearances still made sense to the plot.
Couple Chemistry Rating: 5/5 shells
Again with each book, different couples have different types of chemistry and intimacy with Ruby Dixon writes in such a wonderful, dirty, emotional, heart filled way that you can but want to read each and every book because there's a differences with each couple. Also...the differences between the human's body and the aliens bodies discussed in the book is just..swoon worthy to be honest.
Final thoughts: For anyone who wants something different, with twists and turns but insanely beautiful, dirty, heart string pulling and fun writing? I would seriously push someone to read Ice Planet Barbarians. Not only is it a series with a possibility of being completely free to you, but there's always something more added. A new couple with a disability. A couple that is overcoming something. Or just a couple falling in love, either way this series is just something more. Ruby Dixon has a wonderful gift and I hope you give Ice Planet Barbarians a chance because it's a ride that you will get on and will refuse to get off once it starts!
My Rating: 5/5 Shells
Buy Ice Planet Barbarians:
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Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving friends!